What Is Feminine Energy, And How Can It Help You Attract A Quality Man? Here’s One Simple Trick To Help You Get Started

Embodying your own feminine energy and power is the surest way to attract and keep a quality man – but how do we actually do it? I’m going to share a ridiculously simple trick you can start practicing TODAY!
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What Is Feminine Energy, And How Can It Help You Attract A Quality Man? Here’s One Simple Trick To Help You Get Started

By Rori Raye

Do you ever feel uptight, nervous or anxious around a particular man you’re extremely attracted to?

Do you wish there was a way you could just RELAX and feel more confident?

What if you could walk into a room and completely take COMMAND of a man simply by the way you walk, stand and carry yourself?

Wouldn’t it feel so liberating to be able to attract a man simply by being YOURSELF, simply by letting go of any negative thoughts or fears, and just relax into the most self-assured, positive and magnetic you?

It’s totally do-able!

I’m going to show you exactly how you can learn to make small changes that will completely change your “energy” and be magnetic to any man you meet.

Was She Born With It?

Think about a woman you know who has great charisma.

A woman who lights up a room with her radiance and energy. A woman who men gravitate toward and follow. A woman who always seems to have men following her, listening to her, and laughing with her. She has a kind of natural charisma, or she’s been blessed with perfect genetics.

Everything seems to come easily to her.

Here’s what I know now, after years of trial and error and research and observation:

You don’t need to have natural charisma or be born with “model” looks to get what you want or to attract the man you want and have a great life.

Great charisma and radiant, magnetic energy is something that you can LEARN.

In fact, it’s actually at the CORE of your natural essence, as a feminine woman!

And, in all honesty, it’s way more about UNLEARNING some things you’ve been incorrectly taught – so it’s not as hard as you might think!

But First: Your Natural Feminine Energy – Feeling It ALL

Before I share this one trick however, I want you to get intimate with that nervousness, anxiety or tension you’re feeling.

I know, these are not our favorite things to feel… nor is anger, frustration or any of those other icky feelings. But for this trick to work, you need to make sure you’re not just ignoring the other feelings. Or it’ll really come across as forced and not natural!

Woman feeling strong emotions

It’s like this – those other feelings are there for a reason. And a feminine essence woman, is a FEELING woman.

Emotions and feelings are the domain of the feminine.

To truly tap into your natural feminine energy and power, you gotta be willing, and welcome ALL your feelings.

We have been trained to judge certain feelings as ‘wrong’. But none of them are wrong!

Think of it like this… if you are feeling angry that your date canceled on you at the last minute, that anger is there for a reason!

It’s not healthy to just ignore that anger, right? You need to acknowledge it. Maybe you even say something about it to him – after you’ve processed your feelings.

Because if you just ignore it, it’s like putting a bandaid on a wound that needs stitches – it’s not gonna work.

So give yourself permission to feel the anger, or the tension, or anxiety. I’ll sometimes even acknowledge it out loud to myself, “I’m feeling really nervous.”

After you fully feel what emotions are occurring for you… then you want to redirect your emotional energy.

It’s gonna feel COUNTERINTUITIVE at first, but this simple trick makes it easy!

Making It All Look Natural And Completely You

You can actually have a natural, “organic” transformation through an easy, step-by-step process. It doesn’t have to be or feel fake (although most changes feel awkward at first… that’s ok!).

It’s not about contorting yourself to be someone you’re not.

It’s about dropping the defenses and false beliefs you’ve been holding all your life and letting your true, natural feminine power shine through. Unlearning what isn’t authentically you.

To demonstrate what I’m talking about, here’s a practical tip about how to improve your confidence and energy by making just a small change in a certain facial muscle…

Charisma Tip: It’s In The Lips

You may not have noticed this, but when you’re feeling tense or nervous, you press your lips together. You purse your lips, even perhaps gritting your teeth and clenching your jaw.

Try it right now. Think about a recent conversation or event that completely threw you off balance and angered you, or made you anxious. Like when he called to cancel a date you were looking forward to. Or he turned his back on you when you needed to talk, or vent.

Are you imagining something like that? Ok…

Notice how your lips pressed together. They tense up and your mouth looks smaller and tighter. Your jaw and teeth clenched.

Now, think about something sensual, relaxing. Really get into the visual. Maybe you’re imagining petting your dog or cat. Maybe you’re imagining your man telling you he loves you and he’s stroking your hair. Or you’re laying on a sunny, tropical beach, listening to the ocean waves crashing – without a care in the world.

That changed the way your lips and jaw feel, didn’t it? I bet they relaxed – maybe you can even breathe better!

So next time you feel uptight around that guy you’re super attracted to, relax your lips, and part them slightly.

You’ll notice an immediate simultaneous shift in your “energy” from tense to calm. But more importantly, this remarkable technique can also make you APPEAR more relaxed and self-confident, even when you’re in a very tense situation. Like on a date, or having an emotional conversation with your boyfriend.

Looking more self-confident and relaxed opens you up and sends the signal that you’re OPEN and vulnerable – which is actually an irresistible visual “signal” to a man.

Isn’t that something? Any woman can learn how to become more attractive and magnetic simply by tapping into her natural inner beauty and feminine energy. Men are DRAWN and MAGNETIZED to a woman when she’s relaxed, vulnerable, soft AND strong in her natural feminine power!

You can’t attract a quality man when you’re not embodying your own feminine radiance.

It took me a lot of trial and error, and emotionally excruciating and embarrassing encounters with men to finally figure this out for myself.

If you want to learn other tips and tricks on how to embrace your natural feminine energy, power and radiance, I share this and so much more in my FREE newsletter!

Not only will you learn how to effortlessly attract a wonderful man by being more in your feminine power, you’ll also learn…

Joyful Couple Laughing
  • A new way of being with a man so he’ll want to be around you all the time, and will inspire him to want to caress you, pull you close and tell you he loves you
  • The subtle energy shift that can make a tremendous difference in how a man starts to pursue you for a change – he’ll want all your time and attention
  • A three-step formula for communicating your feelings to a man in a way that will actually bring him closer to you so he’ll share his own feelings – you’ll never have to walk on eggshells or hide the real you again, and he’ll fall more and more in love with you for it
  • The specific words and body language that will make a man irresistibly attracted to you – and how to raise your self esteem so you feel good no matter what he does
  • How to get the commitment you want without asking for it – he’ll think it’s completely his idea!
Start receiving all this for FREE, when you sign up for my newsletter below:

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  • What to do if he’s distant and seems to have fallen out of love.
  • Word-for-word love scripts to help you bring him closer than ever before.
  • The secret psychology that makes him want to commit for life.
  • The magic power you didn’t know you had to make him want you.

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P.S. I survived a lot of heartache in my life, including having a man tell me we were only just “pals” after dating him and sleeping with him for more than a year! Only to have him fall for another woman in a way he never fell for me.

I wasted a lot of time in bad relationships. But you don’t have to!

I put a lot of work and effort into figuring out exactly what it is that attracts a man and triggers that deep longing in him that he can’t help but call “love.”

This is what my newsletter is all about. It’s about how to approach a man so that he sees you as girlfriend material from day one.

It’s about how to talk to a man and share your thoughts and feelings so that he feels an inexplicable desire to be near you, and to embrace you and be loving toward you.


Rori Raye

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  • What to do if he’s distant and seems to have fallen out of love.
  • Word-for-word love scripts to help you bring him closer than ever before.
  • The secret psychology that makes him want to commit for life.
  • The magic power you didn’t know you had to make him want you.

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